

  • ● Access to all essential commodities at discounted prices
  • ● Access to customized trainings and events
  • ● Access to purchase home appliances not more than 100k in value
  • ● No credit facility



NGN 4,500

  • ● Access the orange premium debit card
  • ● Access to trainings
  • ● Access to grants and scholarships
  • ● Access to all commodities at further discounted
  • ● Access to loans not exceeding 35% of annual gross
  • ● Monthly 1k contribution minimum
  • ● Access to purchase home appliances at a discount



NGN 10,000

  • ● Gold membership card
  • ● Access to local and international training
  • ● Access to grants and scholarships
  • ● Access to all commodities
  • ● Access to loans above 1m subject to terms and conditions
  • ● Access to project financing.
  • ● Executive member of the Orange Card global network
  • ● Minimum Monthly contribution of N5k
  • ● Front seat pass to all major Orange Card events
  • ● Opportunities to attend and win expense trips for conferences and also provide visa support to countries



The world we live in today is indeed changing four times faster than our schools, and the real challenge to any forward-thinking nation is how to bridge this gap and create a teaching and learning environment that will connect with this new generation of learners and digital natives who learn in “terabytes “. To change the global narrative of the African continent, we need to inspire a new generation of teachers who are well motivated, skilled and empowered to nurture and harness the potential of an average African child to compete and excel in an ever-changing global education gateway and borderless knowledge economy.

For Africa to arise, a new generation of teachers must arise!

The TLM platform is a bespoke solution created by a consortium of over 15 leading global education service providers led by the orange privilege card with a clear vision to empower and position a new breed of highly motivated, empowered and skilled teachers with a global outlook and capability to birth a new culture of excellence and best practices in the education space in Africa.

The consortium has led a handful of game changing innovations and projects in the education space in Nigeria and Africa. A landmark initiative was the pioneering of the smart digital interactive classrooms in schools in Nigeria, Ghana and Tanzania respectively.

The Project was executed in partnership with Hitachi Solutions Japan which led to the deployment and transformation of over 5000 classrooms across Nigeria alone and the technology is currently running in over 48 tertiary institutions in Nigeria and 3 other African countries.

Our passion is to indeed “put teachers first “in our global transformation agenda in education, understanding fully well that great teachers make great students.

Today we can proudly say that we have built a robust network of credible partners across continents to bring to bear their expertise, capital, products and services to support our efforts for real change to the welfare, wellbeing and wellness of our select teachers on this platform. On this platform you will be able to access a bouquet of unique services and privileges ranging from participation in local and international trainings and certification at close to nothing in cost, access international job and career opportunities, have access to interest free credits, scholarships and grants for career growth.

You’re subscribing to this platform and holding your privilege card! This gives you a visible ownership of your legitimate right to be seen, heard and become accessible on the global education gateway where you can access privileges and opportunities to advance your career and quality of life. We say welcome home again, to the only partnership and platform where teachers’ lives truly matter!

Our Vision

To restore dignity, pride, enterprise, and excellence to the teaching profession.

Our Mission

To host a database of a million educators with requisite skill sets and fully empowered as change champions to inspire a new generation of learners set to take the African continent to a new level of global competitiveness and accomplishment.


Get In Touch

If you have any questions, just fill in the contact form, and we will answer you shortly.